Thursday, April 3, 2008

Parent Appreciation Breakfast

April is the Month of the Young Child and Caroline's childcare center has planned activities and special events throughout the month to recognize and celebrate young children and their families. This morning was the Parent Appreciation Breakfast. As much as I appreciate being appreciated, I was so disappointed to see the huge bowl of fresh fruit on the buffet table. And no, it wasn't because the fruit wasn't organic or local...I am not that ungrateful. It was because while parents ate fresh fruit for breakfast, the children at the center ate fruit cocktail. When I was growing up, fruit cocktail was something that I ate for dessert as a topping on mango pudding...even then I picked out the artificially colored red Maraschino cherries. The Month of the Young Child was established to recognize that early childhood (from birth to 8 years) lay the foundation for children's success in school and later in life. It is ironic then that a food that I (and other parents) consider dessert would be served to the children for breakfast, the most important meal of the day. But what is more disturbing is that by serving parents fresh fruit and children fruit cocktail, the center sent a clear message -- children do not deserve to eat the same high quality food as adults.

Caroline's Lunchbox Menu, April 4: Breakfast - ten grain cereal, prunes, banana; Lunch - lentil croquettes, D'Anjou pear, 100% whole grain bread, mixed vegetables; Snacks - grapefruit, graham crackers

Childcare Center Menu, April 4: Breakfast - oatmeal, raisins, grapes; Lunch - chicken nuggets, cucmbers, pears, wheat bread; Snacks - oranges, chocolate chip cookies


venuszoe said...

Wow you pack amazing food. I appreciate the ideas since I must supplement my child's daycare menu. The quality is actually a little worse that what they serve your daughter and I hope to improve it. Thanks.

Betty said...

Thanks! Please feel free to post your ideas, too. I'd love to hear them.

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