Monday, November 24, 2008

Cup O' Soup

Who doesn't love a meal made up of soup, salad, and crusty bread on a cold winter night? Caroline. It's not that she hates soup. She just doesn't care for it. Since she has been battling a cold all week (and has now passed it on to me and Geoff), I decided to serve chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight. Instead of serving it in bowls, I put the soup in mugs. It did the trick. Caroline drank her soup like a pro. "I do. I do. I do like the soup" she said mimicking the words in Dr. Seuss's Sam I Am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caroline.....that is about the funniest thing I ever clicked on in the are HILLARIOUS...... now I gotta read ur blog entries....

PS...I was sick and googled "cup o soup" and your entry came up....

That made my day!
(I am enjoying a Cup O Soup as I type)

Brett, Atlanta

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